The big replica watch maker Audemars Piguet is not just interested in its replica watch making business. When the brand’s business in the field of luxury replica watch manufacuring is in the full swing, it also steps into some other fields. To memorize their 8 year cooperation with the Arnold’s After-School All-Stars Foundation, Audemars Piguet and California Governor Arnold Schwarzeneggar held a press conference at the Beverly Hills Hotel in which the Swiss timepiece brand donated a $1.5 million check to the foundation. Arnold’s After-School All-Stars Foundation was founded by the governor back in 1990; it offers after-school and summer programs in states all over the country to help kids study at school and live a normal life.
A gala and auction event followed where four Audemars Piguet timepieces went on the auction block to fund another $312,000 for the foundation. Each model has stamped particularly with the Seal of the Governor of California.
An elite group of people took part in the press conference and gala event. Rather than the Schwarzeneggar and Francois Henry Bennahmias, president and SEO of Audemars Piguet North America, were also the foundation executive directors Ana Campos and Ben Paul, wrestler/actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, actor Orlando Jones, Korean-American actor Rick Yune, former California Governor Gray Davis and even some children from the foundation.
Actually, this is not the first time that this famous replica watch company created some particular limited edition replica watch models for the charity. Looking back to 2000, they have funded millions of dollars for the charity with their nicely created Swiss timepieces.